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Industrial Coating (Point of Sales)

Several customer experience-centric industries call for industrial coatings that offer exceptional pigment brilliance and finish. At TSC, we have developed a range of such PoS colorants for resin-specific industrial coatings. Over the years, this has seen our clients set new benchmarks in aesthetic excellence and durability for industrial coatings across industries; they have also benefitted from optimized operations.

In alignment with our commitment as growth partners, our PoS colorants for industrial coatings come in a ready-to-use liquid dispersion format with high miscibility. Excellent coverage, translucency and color control, and zero impact on base resin properties minimize operational challenges across environments for our clients.

Globally-certified processes and adherence to Quality Management Systems ensure consistent output, an imperative for our high-growth focused clients in a competitive market environment. Prompt and comprehensive value-added services ensure matchless operational efficiencies and product optimization.


Our PoS colorant solutions for industrial coatings unlock new process optimization possibilities for end users, winning our clients the business they deserve.

  • Easy color reproducibility
  • Rich and deep pigment brilliance
  • Good strength and durability
  • Excellent weather fastness
  • Long shelf life